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  • Solar Home

    • How do solar panels benefit homeowners?
      Solar panels offer numerous benefits, including reduced electricity bills, increased home value, and environmental sustainability. By harnessing the abundant sunshine in Sacramento, homeowners can generate clean, renewable energy and lower their carbon footprint.
    • Are there incentives available for installing solar panels in Sacramento Valley?
      Yes, Sacramento offers various incentives and rebates to encourage solar adoption. These include federal tax credits, California's Solar Investment Tax Credit (SITC), and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District's (SMUD) SolarShares program. Our team can help you navigate these incentives and maximize your savings.
    • Will solar panels work during cloudy days or at night?
      While solar panels generate the most energy when exposed to direct sunlight, they can still produce electricity on cloudy days or during twilight hours. Additionally, many homeowners opt for battery storage solutions to store excess energy generated during the day for use at night.
  • Indoor Air Quality

    • Why is indoor air quality important?
      Studies done by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicate that the indoor levels of pollutants may be 2-5 times, and occasionally more than 100 times higher than outdoor levels. These levels become a concern because it’s estimated that people spend almost 90% of their time indoors.
    • How long has the indoor air quality problem been with us?
      Indoor air quality problems started when our ancestors lit fires in caves. More recently though, the issue of indoor air quality has been exacerbated by the energy crisis which we experienced in the early 70s. Because of our need to save energy, buildings were built tighter. This resulted in a lower exchange of indoor air with outside air. Compounding the issue, most buildings contain a “chemical soup” brought in on fixtures, furnishings, and even building occupants. If these contaminants are not diluted, they can build up and cause allergic reactions. That’s when indoor air quality problems and complaints occur.
    • What kinds of problems can poor indoor air quality create?

      There are short-term problems that can happen when an odor occurs. We’ve recently seen several cases in Texas where entire buildings were evacuated because of this. Then there are the long-term considerations involving exposure to a myriad of contaminants. Chemicals, particles, and molds can all cause the problem categorized as sick building syndrome.

      Probably the most important issues involve productivity. We should consider the impact on an office building’s staff, the productivity of teachers, end even classroom or student learning environments when discussing indoor air quality.

      Some indoor air problems, however, can be subtle and won’t always produce easily recognized impacts on health, well-being, or the building.

    • What is sick building syndrome?
      Sick building syndrome (SBS) describes a situation in which building occupants experience acute health and/or comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a particular building, but where no specific illness or cause can be identified. The complaints may be localized in a particular room or zone or may be spread throughout the building.
    • What kinds of buildings have indoor air quality problems?
      No building is exempt from indoor air quality problems. Some problems that occur in educational facilities have different symptoms and affect different types of occupants versus problems that occur in an office building. Regardless of their age, size, or indoor activities, to those who are affected, a problem still exists.
    • How do I protect my IAQ?
      Our go-to whole house air purifier is the Reme Halo. If you would like to order one please contact us!
  • Water Purification

    • Why do I need a water purifier in my home?
      Water can contain dirt, minerals, chemicals, and other impurities that make it smell and taste bad. Some of these contaminants can endanger your health, especially when they include microscopic organisms and bacteria that can cause serious illness. Filtering water can help purify water, removing these impurities and making it safe to drink, while often improving its taste.
    • What about bottled water?

      Bottled water is not the answer. There are no standards for how "pure" bottled water should be other than occasional testing for bacteria at bottling sites. How has the equipment been maintained? Is it truly purified water in the bottle?


      Much of bottled water is spring water that is not run through a water filter at all. Some city water is filtered simply to remove the taste of chlorine, which still has fluoride and other chemicals in it.

      How long has the water been stored in inventory? Bacteria can be growing in it. Also, bottled water is very expensive.

      Many plastic water bottles contain BPA, a toxic chemical that leaches into the water. Some that claim to be "BPA Free", have BPS instead, which is just as toxic! All plastics contain polymers that potentially might leach into the water.

      The most convenient and effective way to have good quality water is to set up your own water purifier in your kitchen and a shower or bath filter in the bathroom.  Why not have a water purification system that gives you the best water economically?

      With your own pure water system, you can have dependably safe water, really pure water, for a cent or two per gallon.

    • Why are your water purifier systems better than bottled water?

      While bottled water may be an improvement over-chlorinated tap water, any onsite point-of-use or point-of-entry water treatment with a well-maintained system would be preferable to bottled water, which is clearly unreliable and expensive.

      You never know the quality of purchased bottled water. It may be inadequately filtered or not at all. It may have been sitting in a warehouse or on a shelf for many weeks before you buy it.

      If bottled water has been purified, how often have the cartridges been changed in the purifying system? The same question may be raised about pure water dispensing machines. These usually use reverse osmosis, which could produce poor water quality if not maintained properly.

      With point-of-use purification, you know what you are getting, and the cost per gallon is vastly lower than with bottled water. 

  • Net Zero

    • What are zero energy homes?
      Zero energy homes are homes that produce as much energy as they use over the course of a year. Net zero energy is achieved through proper design, energy efficiency measures, and on-site renewable energy generation.
    • What are the benefits of zero energy homes?
      These homes have zero energy bills, zero carbon emissions, increased home value and improved health and comfort.
    • How affordable are zero energy homes?
      Depending on state rebates and incentives, zero energy homes may cost 5% to 10% more to build than a similar home built to code. However, those costs will be paid back within 5 to 15 years depending on each specific situation. Zero energy homes also can cost less to own beginning on day one and can have enhanced market value.
    • Can a home produce MORE energy than it uses?
      Yes, homes that produce more energy than they use are called positive energy homes. The energy produced in excess of what is used in the home can be used to power an electric lawn mower or even an electric car.
    • What if having a solar PV system is not an option due to financial restraints or lack of sunlight?

      If there are financial restraints, consider building or remodeling a net zero-ready home. If there is a lack of sunlight, consider building or remodeling a near-zero home that has all the energy-saving features of a zero energy home, but without the solar collectors.

  • Generators

    • What is an automatic backup generator?
      An automatic backup generator is a back up electrical system that operates whether you are home or away. Within seconds of an outage, it automatically supplies power directly to your home’s electrical circuit breaker box. After utility power returns, the generator shuts itself off and waits for the next outage. It operates on natural gas or liquid propane gas and sits outside just like a central air conditioning unit.
    • Why should I buy an automatic backup generator instead of a portable generator?

      During a utility power outage, an automatic backup generator provides numerous advantages over a portable generator:


      The American Red Cross recommends permanently installed backup generators as a safer way to provide backup power to a home than a portable generator.

      With an automatic backup generator properly installed outside, your home is protected from deadly carbon monoxide poisoning which is a much greater risk with portable generators.

      Running on the home’s natural gas or LP fuel supply, it is less expensive to run than gasoline and sources such as natural gas do not need to be refilled.

      They start automatically within seconds of a power outage and eliminate the need to haul a portable generator outside or run extension cords throughout your home.

      They provide protection 24/7, whether you’re home or away, and they turn themselves off when utility power returns, so there is no need to monitor the unit during an outage.

    • How do I correctly size a generator for my home?
      The very best way to understand your options and work within your budget is to schedule a free in-home assessment. During your consultation, you will receive the personalized attention and detailed evaluation you need to find a solution that works for your need.
    • Do generators have to be maintained?
      All generators require periodic maintenance, such as oil and filter changes to ensure maximum performance for years of reliable service. Scheduled maintenance kits are available and many Generac authorized dealers offer annual maintenance contracts for a worry-free ownership experience. We recommend you have your unit serviced every 6 months.
    • What is the difference between an automatic air-cooled generator and an automatic liquid-cooled generator?
      The engines! Air-cooled generators come with engines that use fans to force air across the engine for cooling, while liquid-cooled generators use enclosed radiator systems for cooling, similar to an automobile. Generally, liquid-cooled engines are used on larger kW generators due to the larger engines required for the higher power output.
    • Can an automatic backup generator replace utility service?
      No...the generator fuel costs would be much more expensive than buying power from the utility company since their cost to produce electricity is divided among thousands of customers. Our automatic generators are produced for use as a backup to utility power specifically and should not be used as primary power.
  • Solar

    • What are the financial benefits of solar energy?
      When you install a solar energy system on your property, you save money on your electricity bills and protect yourself against rising electricity rates in the future. How much you can save depends on the utility rates and solar policies in your area, but going solar is a smart investment regardless of where you live.
    • How do I find out how much I pay for electricity?
      The easiest way to find out how much you pay for electricity (and how much electricity you use per month) is to take a look at your utility electricity bill. Review EnergySage’s guide to reading your electricity bill to find out exactly what to look for.
    • What are the environmental benefits of solar energy?
      Solar power, like other renewable energy resources, has many environmental and health benefits. Going solar reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change, and also results in fewer air pollutants like sulfur dioxide and particulate matter, which can cause health problems.
    • What is net metering?
      Net metering is the system that utilities use to credit solar energy system owners for the electricity produced by their solar panels. With net metering, you only pay for the electricity that you use beyond what your solar panels can generate. Net metering policies differ from state to state – from Massachusetts to California – so make sure to do your homework ahead of time.
    • How does solar impact my property values?
      Studies have shown that homes with solar energy systems sell for more than homes without them. However, your property value will only increase if you own, rather than lease, your solar panel system. In most parts of the country, going solar will actually increase your property value more than a kitchen renovation.
    • How do solar photovoltaic (PV) panels work?
      Solar panels absorb the sun's energy throughout the day and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. Most homes and businesses run on alternating current (AC) electricity, so the DC electricity is then passed through an inverter to convert it to usable AC electricity. At that point, you either use the electricity in your house or send it back to the electric grid.
    • Do my solar panels produce power when the sun isn’t shining?
      The amount of power your solar energy system can generate is dependent on sunlight. As a result, your solar panels will produce slightly less energy when the weather is cloudy, and no energy at night. However, because of high electricity costs and financial incentives, solar is a smart decision even if you live in a cloudy city.
    • Can I go off grid with solar panels?
      When you install solar panels on your property, you will still be connected to the grid. This allows you to draw from the grid when your system is not producing all of the power that you need, and send power back to the grid when you produce more than you use. It is possible to go off the grid with a solar energy system that includes battery storage, but it will cost significantly more and is unnecessary for the majority of homeowners.
    • Will I still receive an electric bill if I have solar panels?

      Unless your solar energy system includes battery storage and you are fully off the grid, you will still receive a bill from your utility. However, you can dramatically reduce your bill, or even cut the amount you owe to $0, with a solar panel system that matches your energy use.

    • Do solar panels work in a blackout?
      If your solar panel system is connected to the grid, it will shut off in the event of a blackout. This is to prevent emergency responders and electricity utility repair-people from being injured by your panels sending power back to the grid. However, there are certain inverters you can buy that provide backup power in a blackout when paired with a battery.
    • How much will solar panel maintenance cost?
      Solar panel systems are made of durable tempered glass and require little maintenance for the 25 to 35 years that they will generate power.
    • What solar energy rebates and incentives are available?
      Solar rebates and incentives vary depending on where you live. The most significant is the 26 percent federal investment tax credit (ITC), which allows you to deduct 26 percent of the cost of your solar energy system from your taxes. Some states offer additional tax credits, and certain municipalities and utilities also offer cash rebates or other incentives.
    • Should I buy or lease my solar panel system?
      The decision to buy or lease your solar energy system depends on your reasons for going solar. If you are interested in maximizing the financial returns of your solar energy system, buying the system is probably a better decision for you. However, if you prioritize an easy, maintenance-free way to reduce your energy bills and help the environment, you should consider a solar lease.
    • Which is better – solar loans or solar leases?
      Solar loans and solar leases each have advantages and disadvantages. Both options reduce your monthly electricity bills and your impact on the environment, but the terms and conditions of each type of agreement are different. Compare solar loans and solar leases on EnergySage to determine which one is right for you.
    • Can I afford to go solar?
      If you can afford to pay your electricity bill you can afford to go solar. $0-down solar financing options, including both solar loans and solar leases, make it easy for homeowners with good credit to start saving on their electricity bills by going solar.
    • Is my roof suitable for solar panels?
      Southerly-facing roofs with little to no shade and enough space to fit a solar panel system are ideal for installing solar. However, in many cases there are workarounds if your home doesn’t have the ideal solar roof. Register your property on EnergySage to learn more about all of your options; all installation offers are based on images of your actual roof.
  • Financing

    • 0% Financing Over $500
      6 Months
    • 0% Financing $500 to $1200
      18 Months
    • 0% Financing $1200 to $3000
      24 Months
    • 0% Financing $3000 to $4000
      36 Months
  • Warranties

    • 5-Year Warranty for Star Maintenance Program

      As a member of our Star Maintenance Program, you'll receive a 5-year warranty for all parts.

    • 1-Year Installation Warranty
      We offer a one-year warranty on any part we've installed.
    • 10% Written Quote Discount
      If you have a written quote, we will discount the difference plus 10%.
    • No-Risk Guarantee
      If our recommended repair(s) don't work, we will not charge you for the repair.
    • 30-Day Repair Credit
      This credit applies to new equipment. You have up to 30 days to get a full credit towards new equipment installed by Right Now Air & Solar.
    • System Life Expectancy
      Our systems last 15-18 years but can last longer with proper maintenance.
    • 10-Year Installation Warranty
      All of our units come with a 10-year parts & labor warranty.